The FIAM Final took place at 18h30, 16/12/2016 at the Meeting Hall of Vietnam youth Academy with the large attendance of audiences and guests, which officially put an end to the long journey of this year.


The final night is a competitive fight among the most 4 excellent teams who overcame the elimination round and the 1st part of semi-final round. Thanks to their profound knowledge and good reaction, the top 4 gave the audiences such intense moments. The consecutively correct answers and clever rebuttal in term of law made the first FIAM ever a night of memories and colours!

The event began with a remark by Associate Prof, Doctor Nguyen Thu Thuy – Vice President of Foreign Trade University, followed by the one of Professor Claudio Dordi – the representatives of MUTRAP. Only a few words, yet, might stimulate the team participants’ pride in their both grueling and joyful journey with knowledgeable luggage and unforgettable moments of the school life.



Associate Prof, Doctor Nguyen Thu Thuy – Vice President of Foreign Trade University is remarking




Professor Claudio Dordi is making speech

After that, it’s the session of awarding sponsors and judges – the Arbitration panel.



Tribute to the Sponsors of FIAM



Tribute to Arbitration Panel


The Final night had 2 parts: Quick Answer Game and Debate. In the first part, the 4 teams: DAV2, BECO, The Light, Lawcapella, who are the most excellent to defeat the other 31 teams to enter their names for the night.



Top 4 before the Quick Answer Game



The intense atmosphere of Quick Answer Game


In the Quick Answer Game, the teams had to answer the question related to general knowledge of International Investment such as: dispute settlement according to ICSID, EVFTA as well as the real cases. There are 4 packages in total. Each package encompassed 10 questions. Each team had maximum 5 minute to answer their package. Thus the teams had to quickly observe and think to produce the correct answers in the smallest amount of time. Especially, the result of this part will be added to the one of Oral Hearing part in the afternoon, so as to choose the most deserving teams to move on to the final. With the carefulness and consciousness, Lawcapella excellently got the 9/10 answers right, BECO team got 7/10, DAV 02 got 6/10 and The Light 7/10. The semi-final had finished, which triggered the final journey for BECO and Lawcapella.


The final, the part that everyone looked forward to, was a debate between the finalists. In this round, with the hypothetical case given from the beginning of FIAM, BECO and Lawcapella had to compete with each other from the viewpoints of Claimant and Respondent, respectively. The heated debate between the finalists and their answers to the Arbitration Panel contributed to demonstrate their talent and drew audiences’ attention. Lawcapella impressed everyone by their strong argumentation and quick reaction. BECO, in a different way, shined due to their team work and exact argumentation based on jurisdiction.



Debate round between BECO as Claimant and Lawcapella as Respondent


After a thrilling fight with the superiority, Lawcapella finally passed BECO team with the narrow ratio 134 – 124 to become the winner of FIAM 2016.



Award to The best Respondent’s memorandum and The best Claimant’s memorandum



Best Oralist prize goes to Le Ngoc Bao Trang of Lawcapella



The most joyful moment – the first, second and third prizes award


Besides the intense moments, FIAM also had the lively performances: the folk dance by Law student of 53 intake, an emotional voice of Le Quynh Anh from Law Consultant Club (LCC) and flashmob dance by the cooperation of LCC and CLE (Clinical Legal Education). Furthermore, the audiences got the chances to acquire more knowledge by participating a minigame with lots of lovely gifts.


Opening performance: Folk dance by K53 intake



Closing performance: Flashmob by LCC and CLE


The final of FTU Investment Arbitration Moot 2016 has come to an end with flying colors and success called the name of Lawcapella. This success is not only for the winner but also a tribute to the OC and anyone who had interested in the competition, not to mention, the support from the guests and sponsors:

– Professor Julien Chaisse, Chinese HongKongUniveristy

– Professor Claudio Dordi, Technical assistance team leader of EU – MUTRAP

– Doctor Trinh Hai Yen, Dean of Law Faculty of Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, expert of MUTRAP – FTU project.

We are honored to thank all the sponsors for their contribution:




We are honored to have the attendance of representatives from FTU


FIAM 2016 officially came to an end!

We would love to express our appreciation to LCC for their coorperation with the OC during such a long journey of FIAM 2016. Finally, thank all the audiences to join us at the night of joy and intellect. FIAM 2016 is now officially closed but it’s a mark to turning leaf in future. We hopefully receive your support for the upcoming events. Thank you!